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Hemorrhoids Specialist

Montana Colon

Michael Zehnpfennig, M.D.

Colorectal Surgery located in Missoula, MT

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that causes discomfort for many healthy adults. If you have hemorrhoids, don't suffer because you feel embarrassed – Michael Zehnpfennig, MD, of Montana Colon in Missoula, Montana, can help. Dr. Zehnpfennig is highly experienced and has helped hundreds of patients resolve troublesome, painful hemorrhoids without any fuss. To receive swift and efficient care for your hemorrhoids, call Montana Colon to book an appointment or schedule one online today.

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are veins on or just inside your anus that swell with blood. The hemorrhoids inside your anal canal are called internal hemorrhoids, which you may be unaware you have. You can feel and potentially see hemorrhoids on the outer part of your anus, which are external hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids can become very sore and painful, especially when you have a bowel movement. You might see blood in the stool or when you wipe, and hemorrhoids can also be frustratingly itchy.

People often put off seeking treatment for hemorrhoids because they feel embarrassed or worried about undergoing a painful surgical procedure. On the other hand, some fear the worst when they develop anal pain or rectal bleeding, worrying that their symptoms might be due to a more concerning disorder than hemorrhoids.

What causes hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids occur when veins in your anus come under pressure. The most likely source of this pressure is straining when you go to the toilet. For this reason, many people who develop hemorrhoids have constipation and frequently have to strain to move hard, dry stools.

You can also develop hemorrhoids if you gain a lot of weight, and they're a common problem in pregnancy as the baby grows and puts pressure on your bowels. Weightlifting, or even struggling to lift something heavy at home, could also cause hemorrhoids to appear.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

At Montana Colon, Dr. Zehnpfennig provides comprehensive medical and interventional care for hemorrhoids, with surgery where necessary. Potential solutions to hemorrhoids include:

Rubber band ligation

Rubber band ligation is a straightforward procedure where Dr. Zehnpfennig wraps a small rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. The band cuts off the vein's blood supply, so it shrivels up, and after a few days, falls off.


Electrocoagulation involves using an electric current to prevent blood from flowing into the hemorrhoid. Infrared coagulation achieves the same result but uses infrared energy rather than electricity to heat the hemorrhoids.  While these options are available at many larger centers, they are not currently offered by Dr. Zehnpfennig in Missoula for several reasons but primarily because they generally require repeated visits for therapy, and many patients in Western Montana are driving several hours for consultation making repeated, weekly visits inconvenient.


Sclerotherapy is an injection of an irritant solution into the vein that's causing the hemorrhoid to collapse.  This treatment also often requires several treatment sessions.


Hemorrhoidectomy surgery may be necessary for the removal of particularly large or problematic hemorrhoids if more conservative measures fail.

Hemorrhoid stapling

Dr. Zehnpfennig can use the stapling instrument to remove an internal hemorrhoid or put one back inside the anal canal if it's come out (prolapsed).  This option is generally reserved for very large, symptomatic internal hemorrhoids.

When choosing the appropriate treatment, Dr. Zehnpfennig believes the patient's goals and any worries they have are the most important factors. He works with you to make sure you receive the best treatments with minimal discomfort.

To find out more about hemorrhoid treatment, call Montana Colon and schedule a consultation or book an appointment online today.